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  • Coaching every team member to create and achieve their Learning and Earning Plan

Coaching every team member to create and achieve their Learning and Earning Plan

How to plan for continuous improvement in your team's selling skills

Hello Sales Reset Leader

How would you feel if every member of your sales team were improving all of their selling skills all of the time?

What would be the impact on your team’s sales results?

As a sales team leader, you have a HUGE range of opportunities to help your team members improve their selling skills. All of the time! 😀

In this week’s companion Weekly Sales Reset email for front-line salespeople, we focus on how your team members can learn and earn faster and better. The newsletter is about creating and achieving personal Learning and Earning Plans.

The rest of this email newsletter assumes you have read this week’s Weekly Sales Reset“:

  • Title: Learning and Earning, Faster and Better | Part 1

  • Subtitle: How to create and achieve your Learning and Earning Plan

Your newsletter this week is about helping your team members create and achieve their Learning and Earning Plans.

How to improve your team's results this week

Clarify team members’ reactions to Learning and Earning Plans

Within your team, you’ll see a range of reactions to the idea of Learning and Earning Plans.

Here’s the typical range of reactions to Learning and Earning Plans:

  1. Unaware: Your team member doesn’t know about Learning and Earning Plans.

  2. Not for me: Your team member is aware of Learning and Earning Plans and has concluded, for whatever reason, that they don’t want to create and seek to achieve a Learning and Earning Plan.

  3. Say they will but don’t: They know the correct answer is to create and seek to achieve a Learning and Earning Plan. And this is what they say they want to do. However, the evidence shows they don’t do it for various reasons.

  4. Yes, but lacks confidence: In our experience, this is the most likely response. Everybody’s confidence will grow when you and your team members gain more experience working with Learning and Earning Plans.

  5. Yes, and they’re prepared to make some effort: These team members will apply themselves to create their Learning and Earning Plan and try to achieve what they’ve planned.

  6. Starts but doesn’t continue: They’re happy to get started but quickly lose sight of the goals and priorities of their Learning and Earning Plan.

  7. 100% committed: These team members embrace every aspect of Learning and Earning Plans and are making all available progress as fast as possible.

As you reflect on the members of your team, what responses do you expect from each team member?

How do you plan to react to their responses? Will you accept their response or seek to coach them to develop a better response?

Connecting sales quota to Learning and Earning Plans

As a sales team leader, you know it’s your job to help each team member have a plan to achieve their sales goals.

How can you connect these sales goals to team members’ Learning and Earning Plans?

You should help each team member establish their required sales goals as the baseline for earning plans. This means mapping out the sales activity and outcomes expected from each team member.

Discussions like this are always based on ratios:

  • How many outreaches are required to get one conversation?

  • How many conversations are needed to get one opportunity?

  • How many opportunities have to be opened to get one sale?

  • What is their average order value?

  • Etc.

Here’s the big idea…

If team members improve their selling skills, these ratios improve.

They can expect greater sales success, not by working harder or putting in longer hours, but by selling more effectively.

As their sales team leader, a fundamental part of your job is to help your team members understand these connections between learning better and faster and earning better and faster.

Before leading your coaching sessions on Learning and Earning Plans, ask your team members to review the current edition of Weekly Sales Reset: How to create and achieve your Learning and Earning Plan.

Give yourself time to reflect on WIIFM, “What’s in for me? " Then, empathise with each team member individually about how they might be sufficiently motivated to create and achieve their Learning and Earning Plan.

Here’s this week’s recommended coaching session agenda:

  1. Ask this team member for their observations about the ideas and processes of working with Learning and Earning Plans.

  2. Coach each team member to make clear decisions about what they will do personally:

    1. Will they develop a Learning and Earning Plan? Yes or No?

    2. For what duration? Ninety days, a year, three years, life and career?

    3. What conclusions have they reached about learning priorities after they completed their most recent Sales Reset Mastery self-assessment?

    4. How much change and improvement are they seeking, and how fast?

    5. How much do they expect their earnings to improve because of their efforts to learn and practice?

  3. Clarify how you can best help and support each team member in creating and achieving their Learning and Earning Plans.

  4. Finish the coaching session with agreed and specific action conclusions:

    1. When will they create their Learning and Earning Plan?

    2. How much involvement do they want from you?

    3. How often will you review progress with their Learning and Earning Plan with them? Weekly? Monthly? Quarterly? Annually?

Expected pushback about Learning and Earning Plans

So you know what to expect and can be prepared, here are three areas of possible pushback from your team members on the theme of Learning and Earning Plans.

  1. I can’t change: Some of your team members genuinely believe they can’t change for various and potentially complex reasons.

  2. I don’t want to be disappointed: Within your team, you may have people who protect themselves from disappointment by aiming low.

  3. It’s none of your business: Some salespeople are fiercely independent. With some team members, you may not yet have established the level of trust that will enable them to share their hopes, aspirations, doubts, and fears.

What are your best responses now that you know these potential pushback areas?

Video Podcast: Weekly Sales Reset Prep Talk

Peter and Philip discuss Learning and Earning Plans in this week's video podcast.

Leadership Reflective Practice

At the end of this week, ask yourself these key questions:

As I reflect on how I developed my team this week, how effectively did I help them to develop their Learning and Earning Plans?

What impact do I expect my team members’ Learning and Earning Plans to have on my team’s sales results?

How can I retain my focus on Learning and Earning Plans in the weeks and months ahead?

We hope you’ve found this edition of Sales Reset Leaders valuable.

Have a great week!

The Sales Reset Team

Sales Reset Founder & Leader

Sales Leadership Coach

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Here’s a link to a page explaining how these weekly Sales Reset Leaders newsletters are designed to help you improve your sales team's results every week with structured coaching and practice.

Please feel free to unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of this email if these newsletters are no longer valuable to you!

Community of Practice

Ask Questions, Share Your Experience

If you have any questions or experience to share:

Do your team members subscribe to our companion weekly newsletter, Weekly Sales Reset?

Should you give each of your team members access to Weekly Sales Reset?

This is a terrific way for your team members to come to every coaching session with you fully prepared! 😃

Subscribers to this week’s Weekly Sales Reset will learn how to create and achieve their Learning and Earning Plans.

Make sure to get time in your calendars for coaching this week!


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