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  • Helping team members increase the probability of arranging meetings with prospects

Helping team members increase the probability of arranging meetings with prospects

Understanding the importance of multitouch prospecting strategies

Hello Sales Reset Leader

Our newsletters last week were all about prospecting. We emphasised the need for QUALITY instead of QUANTITY and strongly recommended doing more research to develop deeper insights into each identified prospect's unique needs.

This week, we recommend your team members use the insights from their research to increase the probability of securing a selling meeting.

We suggest a strategy of multiple touches and leading their prospecting approaches with the most significant insights. We specifically recommend that approaches are not about the products and services your team members hope to sell!

The rest of this email newsletter assumes you have read this week’s first Weekly Sales Reset“:

  • Title: How to increase the probability of arranging meetings with prospects

  • Subtitle: Planning for multitouch prospecting approaches

Our second Weekly Sales Reset newsletter on this topic will be published on Wednesday. The focus will be on starting the process of coaching customers from the very first approach.

How to improve your team's results this week

Where to look for evidence

We strongly recommend reviewing the evidence before your coaching sessions with each team member. The evidence you find will make your coaching significantly more effective.

Before you meet with your team members for your 1:1 coaching sessions this week, here’s where to find the evidence you need. 

Look at some of the approaches your team members have made to prospects.

  • Are they isolated emails or calls or part of a well-designed sequence?

  • What evidence do you see of your team members identifying and engaging with prospects on LinkedIn?

  • Do your team members’ approaches lead with what they’re selling or with insights from research?

Expected pushback

So you know what to expect and can be prepared, here are three areas of possible pushback from your team members.

  1. Impatience: “I don’t have time to develop long-winded and time-consuming approach sequences - I have sales targets to achieve this month!!”

  2. “I’m more confident talking about what I sell”: “You’re asking me to contact prospects with insights that have come out of my research, but this is all highly speculative, and I’m well out of my comfort zone!”

  3. How do I remember where I am in a multi-touch sequence? Your team members may be unaware of how best to use your CRM system's capabilities. It might be worth them exploring the free versions of tools like Apollo.io.

What are your best responses now that you know these potential pushback areas?

Role-Play Recommendations

  1. Best Current Prospect: Discuss the available approach strategies for this team member’s best current prospect and choose the most appropriate method. Imagine that the prospect has received this approach. Role-play the prospect's discussion with a colleague because they’re intrigued.

  2. Cold Call: Choose one of your team member’s prospects and role play the cold call, paying particular attention to using the insights from research instead of talking about what your team member wants to sell.

  3. Voice Messages: Role-play leaving a voice message in a range of prospect situations. Emphasise the need to prepare to leave such voice messages before making every call.

Invitation to Weekly Sales Reset Stories - LIVE! online

We’re hugely interested to hear how you and your team members get on with these recommendations about prospecting.

You’re welcome to join us for a 45-minute discussion to share experiences in a weekly session in our FREE Sales Reset Together community from 16:30 to 17:15, UK time every Tuesday.

The session is designed to allow participants to share their experiences and stories about each Weekly Sales Reset theme.

Click here to join the community and learn more about the Tuesday session.

We hope you’ve found this edition of Sales Reset Leaders valuable.

Have a great week!

The Sales Reset Team

Sales Reset Founder & Leader

Sales Leadership Coach

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Make sure to get time in your calendars for coaching this week!


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