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Planning for Success - Helping your team members to plan for career success

Encouraging your team members to have a personal career vision and plan - Theme for W/C Monday 28 August

Hello Reader,

I hope you and your team have had a successful week!

Here’s what’s in this email:

  1. A brief introduction to the theme for next week’s Daily Sales Reset emails.

  2. A summary of the planned daily topics.

  3. PowerPoint slides for your sales meeting to make it easy for you to brief your team about the focus of sales training and coaching next week.

Helping your team members to plan for career success

In the UK, where I am based, next week starts with a national holiday for most people. I have chosen a theme for the week that will enable subscribers to our emails to spend some time in valuable reflection.

For many people in selling roles, the idea of planning for success is limited to relatively short time horizons:

  • What do I need to achieve today to be on track to achieve my sales targets?

  • How can I plan to achieve this week’s sales goals?

  • Where will I spend my time to achieve my target this month and in the current quarter?

Through next week, Daily Sales Reset emails will enable your team members to lift their eyes to the much longer term. I will help you to lead conversations with your team members about:

  • What are your team members hoping to achieve with their sales career?

  • Are your team members prepared to consider the implications of life-changing aspirations?

  • Can some or all of your team members see themselves doubling or trebling their sales performance? Or conceivably improving their sales results by 10x and more?!

One of the many brilliant aspects of selling is that these aspirations can be entirely realistic.

Not everybody will achieve these goals, of course. But it’s entirely realistic for the people who make the effort and who invest the necessary time and commitment, to improve their career achievements to a huge extent.

And I’m keen to help you in your sales leadership role to bring out the very best in your team members!

Expected Impact on Short-Term Sales

You might be concerned that giving time and attention to longer-term career aspirations might distract from your sales priorities this week.

But this kind of development is very likely to increase your team members’ levels of motivation and confidence about their career development.

This should all have an immediate impact on very short-term sales performance! 😀

Daily Topics Next Week


  • Planning for Success - What are you hoping to achieve with your sales career?

  • What are the implications of you achieving 2x, 3x or 10x sales success?


  • Planning for your customer's success with your products and services

  • What can you do to 2x, 3x or 10x your customers' performance?


  • Planning to invest the time and effort to 2x, 3x or 10x your career success

  • Clarify what's in it for you (and your customers) as you invest time and effort in learning and practice


  • Having the courage to believe that significant improvement can be sustained

  • How to overcome the doubts to stay focused on your plan for success


  • Sales Reset Together - Making it easier to sustain progress by learning with others

  • Coming Soon - Community-Powered Sales Training!


  • It's time to celebrate your progress and relax!

  • Your team members are prompted to reflect on what they learned and improved in the previous week.


  • What to expect in Daily Sales Reset emails in the following week.

PowerPoint Slides for your Monday Sales Meeting


Daily Sales Reset

If they haven’t subscribed already, I strongly encourage you to ask all of your team members to subscribe to my Daily Sales Reset emails.

If they subscribe, every day from Monday to Friday, your team members will receive my daily email with the following:

  • An introduction to the sales training topic for each day

  • One single thing they can practice

  • Suggestions about how they can work with you as a coach to help them make progress with the topic of the day and accelerate their progress.

On Saturdays, if they choose to open the email, they will receive a summary of the topics from the week and an invitation to reflect on how their selling skills and results improved during the week.

On Sundays, if they choose to open the email, they will see a summary of what to expect in the coming week.

I hope that you have a great weekend!

Founder & Leader

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